
Every six months or so I get this little voice in my head that enticingly says “lets go pierce something! lets get a tattoo! lets chop off all your hair!” I’m not sure where it comes from, but my constant need to change something about myself never fails. So this weekend, when I decided that I DEFINITELY needed to do something, I decided on a piercing. I have two tattoos already, and I don’t know if I’m ready to make another long term commitment just yet. And when I chopped all of my hair off in high school, I cried. Soooo,  I got my back dimples pierced. It was completely random and spontaneous, but I’m such a fan of them!

Besides the fact that they hurt like complete hell, and the guy popped a blood vessel when he did it, it was worth it I think. I’ll admit though, it hurt wayyyy more than I anticipated, and wayyyy more than any of my other piercings. Dylana said that she saw my face and she could tell I was completely shell shocked as he did the first one.

They take a while to heal, so they’re happily hiding under some Disney princess band-aids until they are all better, and the giant bruise the guy caused goes away.

Hopefully that holds me for a while, because I really like my long hair!